A private fine art and letterpress publisher; selling books, wood engravings and mixed media prints.

Red Howler Press was established to print hand made, limited edition and one-of-a-kind books out of my fascination for the written word and visual imagery. My imagery explores visual and literary ideas through black and white original drawings and print media, usually wood engraving. There is a long tradition of wood engraving and the book arts, and it seemed quite natural to follow that path. I have always gravitated toward the Eastern European and German print tradition and have a particular fondness for the work of Durer, Wolgemuth, Cranach, Holbein, and Baldung-Grien. My technique is to employ black line engraving to explore the expressive qualities of form.

Professional Organizations:

The Society of Wood Engravers, Oxford England

The Wood Engravers Network, Ann Arbor, MI

Foundations Art Theory Education